Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Wonderful World of iGoogle!


Last week, we set up our iGoogle accounts. I already had a Gmail account, but I had no idea about iGoogle! I'm not quite sure how, but I'd never even heard of it.

iGoogle is neat because you can not only access your e-mail, but you can add all sorts of neat gadgets like a calculator, the weather, a clock, comics, news, YouTube, Facebook, recipes, and more. The possibilities are endless.

I've set up my iGoogle page with a forensic science theme at the top because I am teaching a new forensic science course in the fall. I also included Science Daily, one of my favorite websites that shows brief highlights of interesting scientific research and some comics for a smile at the start and end of my day. I really like that I can not only access my e-mail, but also have access to an array of things that I like to check out on a daily or weekly basis.

Here's a screen shot of my iGoogle homepage.

I thought that it was extremely easy to set up my iGoogle. Since I already had a Gmail account, I just had to change the URL address I was going to. I would definitely recommend that my students check out and use iGoogle because I think it's a better way to check your e-mail while checking out some of your favorite websites all at the same time. I don't really see myself using this in the classroom per say because I'm not sure what I would use it for. However, creating the iGoogle also allows for using blogger, creating a website, sharing files on Google docs, and many more.

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