Tuesday, June 8, 2010

"Pay Attention"!

We watched a video outside of class this week called "Pay Attention". Not only is it the perfect title for teachers (can't you just hear a teacher telling his/her student to 'Pay attention!'?), but it's a great motivational video to get teachers interested in WHY we should use technology in the classroom.

I actually think that I'd seen this video before this class (possibly at one of our monthly Technology Training sessions at school?), but it was great to watch it again. Our students are using technology every day - why should we not do the same in the classroom? It will help ENGAGE and ENHANCE learning! I've never heard anyone say "No, we shouldn't do this because the students would be engaged", have you?

If you haven't seen this video, you should check it out:

I wouldn't use this video in the classroom because it is more geared towards teachers. It would be great to show everyone on an in-service day or at a faculty meeting to motivate others to start using technology in the classroom. It was easy to access at home and would also be easily accessible at school because it is a TeacherTube video. Overall, it was good motivation to keep up with all the latest technology!

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