Wednesday, June 30, 2010


For my final blog post, I found a really awesome website, Animoto, where you can transform photos into little 30 second music videos for FREE (anything longer than 30 seconds costs $money$)! You can use pictures from picasa (where I used mine from), facebook, flickr, smugmug, photobucket, or upload them directly to the site. You can add your own music (mp3's) or choose from their collection of music clips. Although what you can do is limited (it's FREE for crying out loud), it is a different take on the slideshows or static photos found on so many websites.

I used some of my favorite pictures from the hilarious LOLcats website, If you love cats and funny captions, you'll love this site! Although animoto cut off some of the words, and they moved through very quickly, it still turned out to be a pretty cute video. What do you think?

This is an appropriate ending as I "animoto-boat away" from TPTE 486 and head off to enjoy the last five weeks of my summer vacation. I have learned so many new things during this class that I hope to use in the (near) future. I am even thinking about making my own interactive spreadsheet (we didn't get to do that this semester as in the past) for chemistry! Of course, the biggest problem with all of this technology stuff? TIME. Here's hoping I have lots more of it to be able to incorporate even more technology in my classroom!

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