Thursday, June 24, 2010

Inspired by Inspiration

Yesterday and today we worked with the amazing program called Inspiration. We had to create a diagram using this program, which was actually more of a concept map.

I chose to do a concept map on something for the forensic science course, so I think it took me longer to find the information to include than most people. I chose to do Illicit Drugs, which was really kind of interesting to research last night. I was very frustrated with Photoshop Elements 4.0 though because it kept crashing every time I tried to fix some of the images. Maybe it's because it's an older version of the program. Or maybe it's because I'm having to work with a Mac, ugh.

Inspiration was incredibly easy to work with, and I was amazed how simple it was to learn. You can add headers and footers to appear when you print it out. You can add notes (I have notes for the standard, a definition of presumptive tests, and definitions for the different types of drugs). I could spend all day working with this program to create all kinds of concept maps and diagrams that I've been previously doing on Microsoft PowerPoint. Unfortunately, I know we don't have this program at school, and with the budget being so tight, I don't really forsee getting it in the near future. However, I would like to make another concept map or two before this class is over (maybe in all the spare time I have, haha).

Here's an image below of my Illicit Drugs concept map. Click on the image to open a larger version. And if it was actually opened on Inspiration (or an Inspiration Viewer), you'd see links to websites on all of the different drugs!

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