Thursday, June 17, 2010

Collecting Digital Images

Today we learned all about the different ways to obtain digital images. You can use:
* original photos taken with a digital camera
* scans of anything (printed photos, book illustrations, drawings, etc.)
* images from a CD/DVD clipart or photo collection (such as the Big Box of Art)
* free images on the internet
* screenshots

After collecting all five digital images, I uploaded them to Picasa Web Albums and shared them with my teacher.

This was a fun activity and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Big Box of Art collection. I found over 60 images to use this year in forensic science of all different types (black and white photographs, color photographs, clip art, and something I didn't know about - photo transfers - which are basically images that look awesome). I really enjoyed this and can definitely see myself using most of these different types of digital images (except for scanned images because I don't have a scanner easily accessible at home or at school).

Here's a taste of some of the cool images I saved from the Big Box of Art today:

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