Thursday, July 1, 2010

Okay, I'm not done yet ...

Today is last day of class for me since I'll be in New York next week for that forensic science workshop I'd mentioned in an earlier blog. So I have a few last things to wrap up.

First, I am completely done with my classroom website, Mrs. Peretich's Place! I added a Newsworthy page last night with links to different articles or videos about my students (past and present). Today I compressed my classroom folder ("zipped" it) and uploaded it to the PLP. I had to find and put all the images on my website into the images folder - I guess I'd just been using Picasa a lot ... oops! In case you're wondering what my organization of the classroom folder looked like, don't worry - here it is:

I can't just leave this blog with a boring post about my classroom folder being uploaded to the PLP, so here's a comic to summarize how I'm feeling right now. It's from one of my favorite websites from graduate school, Piled Higher and Deeper (PhD) comics!